Seamless wallpaper
The seamless wallpaper is a modern and unique type of wallpaper that consists of one piece. It is made of the sturdy and high-quality material Sanotex and has various advantages. The wallpaper is scratch-resistant, tear-resistant and water-repellent, making it ideal for areas that are used intensively.
One of the biggest advantages of seamless wallpaper is that no seams are visible. This makes it a perfect solution for spaces that need a sleek and neat appearance. Moreover, the seamless wallpaper is very sturdy and can take a beating, which is useful in the living room or children's room, for example.
Applying the seamless wallpaper is easier than applying traditional wallpaper. The adhesive is applied directly to the wall, eliminating the need for a wallpapering table. This saves time and effort, so you can quickly enjoy your new and refreshed space.
You can find here instructions for applying the seamless wallpaper, an example video of how to apply it can you findhere.